At birth - 2
At the beginning of Dragonball - 20
Against Tenshinhan and Tambourine - 180
Oozaru in the Gokuh Saga - 200
Against Piccolo Daimao and Mr. Popo - 260
Without weighted clothing against Piccolo - 334
With weighted clothing against Raditz and Garlic Jr. - 334
Without weighted clothing against Raditz and Garlic Jr. - 416
When performing Kamehameha against Raditz - 926
Supressed Ki against Nappa - 5.000
Suppressed Ki against Jeice and Burter - 5.000
Full power against Nappa - 8.000
Normal against Turles - 10.000
Kaio-Ken x1 against Nappa - 12.000
Kaio-Ken x2 against Turles - 15.000
Kaio-Ken x2 against Vegeta - 16.000
Kaio-Ken x2 against Turles - 20.000
Kaio-Ken x3 against Vegeta - 24.000
Kaio-Ken x3 against Turles - 30.000
Kaio-Ken x4 against Vegeta - 32.000
Kaio-Ken x4 against Turles' Crusher Corps - 40.000
Normal against Ginyu - 60.000
Kaio-Ken x1 against Ginyu - 90.000
Kaio-Ken x10 against Turles - 10.000
Kaio-Ken x2 against Ginyu - 120.000
Kaio-Ken x3 against Ginyu - 180.000
Normal against Freeza and Cooler - 250.000
Kaio-Ken x10 against Freeza and Cooler - 2.500.000
Kaio-Ken x20 against Freeza and Cooler - 5.000.000
Super Saiya-jin against Freeza and Cooler - 12.500.000
Super Saiya-jin against Mirai no Trunks - 13.000.000
Super Saiya-jin against #19 - 13.500.000
Super Saiya-jin against Metal Coolers, #13, Brolly and Hatchiyakku - 14.000.000
Super Saiya-jin Dai Ni Dankai - 77.000.000
Super Saiya-jin Dai San Dankai - 80.000.000
Super Saiya-jin Full Power against Cell, Paiku-han, Majin Buu, Kid Buu and Beerus - 88.000.000
Super Saiya-jin 2 against Vegeta, Majin Buu, Super Buu, Kid Buu, Abokado and Beerus - 280.000.000
Super Saiya-jin 3 against Majin Buu, Super Buu, Kid Buu, Janenba, Hildegarn and Beerus - 450.000.000
Super Saiya-jin 2 with power of all other Super Saiya-jins against Beerus - 700.000.000
Normal with power of Super Saiya-jin God against Beerus, Whis and Freeza - 700.000.000
Super Saiya-jin 2 with power of Super Saiya-jin God against Beerus - 700.000.000
Super Saiya-jin God against Beerus - 700.000.000
Super Saiya-jin God Super Saiya-jin against Freeza - 750.000.000
As a child - 5.000
At first arrival on Earth - 18.000
Upon arrival on Namek against Cui, Dodoria and Zarbon - 24.000
Against Zarbon and Recoome - 35.000
Oozaru against Goku, Gohan and Krillin - 180.000
Against Jeice, Ginyu and Freeza - 300.000
Against Freeza - 900.000
When training in space - 9.000.000
Super Saiya-jin in space - 12.500.000
Super Saiya-jin against #19, #18, Metal Coolers, #15, #13, Brolly and Hatchiyakku - 14.000.000
Super Saiya-jin Dai Ni Dankai against Cell, Cell Juniors and Bojack - 77.000.000
Super Saiya-jin Full Power when training with Trunks and in Babidi's ship - 83.000.000
Super Saiya-jin 2 before being possessed by Babidi - 250.000.000
Super Saiya-jin 2 against Goku, Majin Buu, Super Buu, Kid Buu, Janenba, Hildegarn and Beerus - 280.000.000
Normal with power of Super Saiya-jin God against Whis - 700.000.000
Super Saiya-jin God Super Saiya-jin against Freeza - 750.000.000
Nearly dead against Recoome - 0
Normal against Raditz - 1
Semi-angry against Raditz - 710
Against Nappa - 981
Angry against Raditz and Garlic Jr. - 1.307
Upon arrival on Namek - 1.500
When performing Masenko against Nappa - 2.800
Oozaru against Vegeta - 9.810
Against Turles - 10.000
Against Guldo - 17.500
Against Recoome, Freeza, Doore and Sauzaa - 20.000
Oozaru against Turles - 100.000
During the Androids Saga and against Cooler's machines and #13 - 2.000.000
Super Saiya-jin in the Time and Room Chamber and against Brolly and Turles - 12.500.000
Super Saiya-jin Full Power against Cell and Bojack - 85.000.000
Super Saiya-jin 2 against Cell Juniors, Cell, Bojack, Kibito, Dabla and Majin Buu - 225.000.000
After special hidden power-unlocking ability from Rou Dai Kaioshin - 450.000.000
Against Goku - 322
With weighted clothing against Raditz and Garlic Jr. - 322
Without weighted clothing against Raditz and Garlic Jr. - 408
Against Saibaimen - 1.280
When performing first Makankosappo against Raditz - 1.330
When performing second Makankosappo against Raditz - 1.440
Full power against Nappa - 2.500
Against Turles - 18.000
After training with Kaiou-sama - 40.000
After fusing with Nail and against Freeza, Doore, Neiz, Sauzaa and Garlic Jr. - 800.000
Against Dr. Gero, #17, Metal Coolers, #13, Brolly and Hatchiyakku - 6.000.000
After fusing with Kami and against Cell and #17 - 30.000.000
At the Cell Games and against Cell Juniors, Cell, Kibito, Babidi, Bojack, Abokado and Beerus - 50.000.000
In his first stage - 530.000
In his second stage against Piccolo - 1.000.000
In his third stage against Piccolo and Gohan - 2.500.000
In his fourth stage using 33% of his power against Vegeta - 3.300.000
In his fourth stage using 50% of his power against Goku - 5.000.000
In his fourth stage using 70% of his power against Goku - 7.000.000
In his fourth stage using 100% of his power against Goku - 10.000.000
In his mechanized form against Mirai no Trunks - 10.500.000
In his first stage after training - 215.000.000
In his fourth stage after training against Goku - 400.000.000
In his Golden Freeza Ultimate Evolution stage against Goku and Vegeta - 700.000.000
In his fourth stage against Gohan, Piccolo and Goku - 10.000.000
In his fifth stage against Goku - 12.000.000
In his Metal Cooler mechanized form - 15.000.000
In his first stage against Piccolo - 25.000.000
In his first stage against #17, Piccolo and #16 - 35.000.000
In his second stage against Vegeta, Mirai no Trunks and Gohan - 55.000.000
In his third stage against Vegeta, Mirai no Trunks, Goku and Gohan - 95.000.000
In his third stage using all of his power against Gohan - 115.000.000
In his third stage after exploding and receiving a Zenkai against Vegeta and Gohan - 215.000.000
In his fat form against Dabla, Gohan, Kaioshin, Gotenks, Goku, Kid Buu and Beerus - 350.000.000
In his skinny dark form against his fat counterpart - 360.000.000
After absorbing his fat counterpart and against Gotenks, Gohan, Goku and Vegeta - 390.000.000
With Piccolo, Trunks and Goten absorbed - 420.000.000
With the strongest of the Kaioshin absorbed - 440.000.000
In his pure Kid Buu form - 460.000.000
With Piccolo and Super Saiya-jin 3 Gotenks absorbed - 500.000.000
With Gohan, Piccolo, Trunks and Goten absorbed - 600.000.000
Chilled - 300.000
Freeza in his first form - 530.000
Freeza in his second form - 1.000.000
Freeza in his third form - 2.500.000
Freeza in his fourth form using 33% of his power - 3.300.000
Freeza in his fourth form using 50% of his power - 5.000.000
Freeza in his fourth form using 70% of his power - 7.000.000
Cooler in his fourth form - 10.000.000
Freeza in his fourth form using 100% of his power - 10.000.000
Freeza in his mechanized form - 10.500.000
King Cold - 11.000.000
Cooler in his fifth form - 12.000.000
Metal Coolers - 15.000.000
Freeza in his first form after training - 215.000.000
Freeza in his fourth form after training - 400.000.000
Freeza in his Ultimate Evolution form - 700.000.000
Strong Kaioshin - 190.000.000
Dai Kaioshin - 180.000.000
Kibitoshin - 180.000.000
Female Kaioshin - 170.000.000
Moustached Kaioshin - 160.000.000
Kaioshin - 150.000.000
Kibito - 17.000.000
Whis -
Beerus -
Strong Kaioshin - 190.000.000
Dai Kaioshin - 180.000.000
Kibitoshin - 180.000.000
Female Kaioshin - 170.000.000
Moustached Kaioshin - 160.000.000
Kaioshin - 150.000.000
Kibito - 17.000.000
Dai Kaiou-sama - 2.500
Kaiou-sama - 2.000
South Kaiou-sama - 2.000
Tall Kaiou-sama - 2.000
Female Kaiou-sama - 2.000
King Enma - 1.500
Super Saiya-jin for the first time - 12.500.000
Super Saiya-jin against #17, #18, Freeza, King Cold, #14, Brolly and Hatchiyakku - 12.800.000
Super Saiya-jin Dai Ni Dankai - 70.000.000
Super Saiya-jin Dai San Dankai - 80.000.000
Normal - 10.000.000
Super Saiya-jin 2: 215.000.000
Super Saiya-jin 3: 435.000.000
Normal: 10.000.000
Super Saiya-jin 2: 900.000.000
Dai Kaiou-sama - 2.500
Kaiou-sama - 2.000
South Kaiou-sama - 2.000
Tall Kaiou-sama - 2.000
Female Kaiou-sama - 2.000
As an adolescent - 2.000
Upon arrival on Earth - 30.000
After eating the fruit of Earth's Shinseiju - 500.000
Old - 200
Young - 260
At the 22nd Tenkaichi Budokai against Goku - 180
At the 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai against Goku - 280
Full power against Nappa - 2.500
Against Jeice, Burter, Cell, Cell Junior and Super Buu - 120.000
At the 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai against Piccolo - 206
Against Saibaimen - 1.083
Full power against Saibaimen, Nappa and Cacao - 1.420
Upon arrival on Namek - 1.500
Against Guldo, Recoome, Freeza, Cell, Cell Junior, Super Buu and Kid Buu - 16.500
Borgos - 2.500
Shugesh - 2.500
Seripa - 2.500
Toma - 3.000
Bardock - 10.000
Borgos Oozaru - 25.000
Shugesh Oozaru - 25.000
Seripa Oozaru - 25.000
Toma Oozaru - 30.000
Bardock Oozaru - 100.000
Bardock Super Saiya-jin - 12.500.000
Vegeta Oozaru - 180.000
Vegeta - 18.000
Nappa - 4.000
Raditz - 1.200
Strength enhanched against Vegeta, Krillin, Piccolo, Tenshinhan and Yamcha - 1.200
Not-strength enhanched - 800
Normal - 800
Oozaru - 8.000
Normal - 500
Transformed - 800
Transformed with power of Makyo Star - 1.000
King Vegeta - 13.000
Vegeta - 5.000
Tarble - 800
Normal - 10.000
Oozaru - 100.000
Super Saiya-jin against Chilled - 12.500.000
Non-warrior-type - 300
Non-warrior-type - 500
Muuri - 500
Warrior-type with suppressed Ki - 1.000
Warrior-type at full power - 3.000
Warrior-type at full power - 4.000
Nail - 42.000
Normal - 500
With power of Makyo Star - 700
Normal - 600
With power of Makyo Star - 800
Normal - 13.000
Oozaru - 130.000
At the 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai against Kami - 177
When performing Kamehameha against Saibaimen and Deiz - 1.420
Against Recoome, Dr. Gero, Cell Junior and Kid Buu - 15.000
Against Nappa and Lakasei - 618
Against Guldo - 15.000
In Mirai no Trunks' timeline - 20.000.000
In main timeline - 30.000.000
In Mirai no Trunks' timeline - 20.000.000
In main timeline - 30.000.000
Average member of the race - 1.000
Member of the race burnt by Commander of the race - 8.000
Commander - 15.000
Cui - 18.000
Normal - 23.000
Transformed - 33.000
Ginyu - 120.000
Jeice - 50.000
Burter - 45.000
Recoome - 40.000
Sauzaa - 50.000
Neiz - 45.000
Doore - 40.000
At birth - 10.000
Super Saiya-jin Full Power - 95.000.000
Normal - 10.000
Super Saiya-jin Full Power - 95.000.000
Turles - 500.000
Lord Slug - 550.000
Freeza - 7.000.000
Cooler - 10.000.000
Hatchiyakku - 95.000.000
Bido - 30.000.000
Bojack's henchman killed by Mirai no Trunks - 30.000.000
Bujin - 30.000.000
Bojack's henchwoman - 30.000.000
Bojack - 95.000.000
Paragas - 1.000
Bio Brolly normal - 10.000
Brolly at birth - 10.000
Bio Brolly Super Saiya-jin Full Power - 95.000.000
Brolly Super Saiya-jin Full Power - 95.000.000
Tsuru-sennin - 150
Mutaito-sama - 160
Muten Roshi - 163
#14 - 1.000.000
#15 - 1.000.000
#19 - 1.500.000
Dr. Gero - 2.000.000
#13 - 6.000.000
#18 in Mirai no Trunks' timeline - 20.000.000
#17 in Mirai no Trunks' timeline - 20.000.000
Cell - 25.000.000
Cell Juniors - 30.000.000
#18 in main timeline - 30.000.000
#17 in main timeline - 30.000.000
#16 - 35.000.000
Cell in his first form after absorbing millions of humans - 35.000.000
Cell in his second form - 55.000.000
Cell in his perfect form - 95.000.000
Cell in his perfect form using his maximum power - 115.000.000
Cell after exploding and killing Goku - 215.000.000
Pui Pui - 1.000
Yakon - 1.000
Dabla - 210.000.000
Vegeta Super Saiya-jin 2 - 280.000.000
Majin Buu - 350.000.000
Kid Buu - 460.000.000
At birth - 2
At the beginning of Dragonball - 20
Against Tenshinhan and Tambourine - 180
Oozaru in the Gokuh Saga - 200
Against Piccolo Daimao and Mr. Popo - 260
Without weighted clothing against Piccolo - 334
With weighted clothing against Raditz and Garlic Jr. - 334
Without weighted clothing against Raditz and Garlic Jr. - 416
When performing Kamehameha against Raditz - 926
Supressed Ki against Nappa - 5.000
Suppressed Ki against Jeice and Burter - 5.000
Full power against Nappa - 8.000
Normal against Turles - 10.000
Kaio-Ken x1 against Nappa - 12.000
Kaio-Ken x2 against Turles - 15.000
Kaio-Ken x2 against Vegeta - 16.000
Kaio-Ken x2 against Turles - 20.000
Kaio-Ken x3 against Vegeta - 24.000
Kaio-Ken x3 against Turles - 30.000
Kaio-Ken x4 against Vegeta - 32.000
Kaio-Ken x4 against Turles' Crusher Corps - 40.000
Normal against Ginyu - 60.000
Kaio-Ken x1 against Ginyu - 90.000
Kaio-Ken x10 against Turles - 10.000
Kaio-Ken x2 against Ginyu - 120.000
Kaio-Ken x3 against Ginyu - 180.000
Normal against Freeza and Cooler - 250.000
Kaio-Ken x10 against Freeza and Cooler - 2.500.000
Kaio-Ken x20 against Freeza and Cooler - 5.000.000
Super Saiya-jin against Freeza and Cooler - 12.500.000
Super Saiya-jin against Mirai no Trunks - 13.000.000
Super Saiya-jin against #19 - 13.500.000
Super Saiya-jin against Metal Coolers, #13, Brolly and Hatchiyakku - 14.000.000
Super Saiya-jin Dai Ni Dankai - 77.000.000
Super Saiya-jin Dai San Dankai - 80.000.000
Super Saiya-jin Full Power against Cell, Paiku-han, Majin Buu, Kid Buu and Beerus - 88.000.000
Super Saiya-jin 2 against Vegeta, Majin Buu, Super Buu, Kid Buu, Abokado and Beerus - 280.000.000
Super Saiya-jin 3 against Majin Buu, Super Buu, Kid Buu, Janenba, Hildegarn and Beerus - 450.000.000
Super Saiya-jin 2 with power of all other Super Saiya-jins against Beerus - 700.000.000
Normal with power of Super Saiya-jin God against Beerus, Whis and Freeza - 700.000.000
Super Saiya-jin 2 with power of Super Saiya-jin God against Beerus - 700.000.000
Super Saiya-jin God against Beerus - 700.000.000
Super Saiya-jin God Super Saiya-jin against Freeza - 750.000.000
As a child - 5.000
At first arrival on Earth - 18.000
Upon arrival on Namek against Cui, Dodoria and Zarbon - 24.000
Against Zarbon and Recoome - 35.000
Oozaru against Goku, Gohan and Krillin - 180.000
Against Jeice, Ginyu and Freeza - 300.000
Against Freeza - 900.000
When training in space - 9.000.000
Super Saiya-jin in space - 12.500.000
Super Saiya-jin against #19, #18, Metal Coolers, #15, #13, Brolly and Hatchiyakku - 14.000.000
Super Saiya-jin Dai Ni Dankai against Cell, Cell Juniors and Bojack - 77.000.000
Super Saiya-jin Full Power when training with Trunks and in Babidi's ship - 83.000.000
Super Saiya-jin 2 before being possessed by Babidi - 250.000.000
Super Saiya-jin 2 against Goku, Majin Buu, Super Buu, Kid Buu, Janenba, Hildegarn and Beerus - 280.000.000
Normal with power of Super Saiya-jin God against Whis - 700.000.000
Super Saiya-jin God Super Saiya-jin against Freeza - 750.000.000
Nearly dead against Recoome - 0
Normal against Raditz - 1
Semi-angry against Raditz - 710
Against Nappa - 981
Angry against Raditz and Garlic Jr. - 1.307
Upon arrival on Namek - 1.500
When performing Masenko against Nappa - 2.800
Oozaru against Vegeta - 9.810
Against Turles - 10.000
Against Guldo - 17.500
Against Recoome, Freeza, Doore and Sauzaa - 20.000
Oozaru against Turles - 100.000
During the Androids Saga and against Cooler's machines and #13 - 2.000.000
Super Saiya-jin in the Time and Room Chamber and against Brolly and Turles - 12.500.000
Super Saiya-jin Full Power against Cell and Bojack - 85.000.000
Super Saiya-jin 2 against Cell Juniors, Cell, Bojack, Kibito, Dabla and Majin Buu - 225.000.000
After special hidden power-unlocking ability from Rou Dai Kaioshin - 450.000.000
Against Goku - 322
With weighted clothing against Raditz and Garlic Jr. - 322
Without weighted clothing against Raditz and Garlic Jr. - 408
Against Saibaimen - 1.280
When performing first Makankosappo against Raditz - 1.330
When performing second Makankosappo against Raditz - 1.440
Full power against Nappa - 2.500
Against Turles - 18.000
After training with Kaiou-sama - 40.000
After fusing with Nail and against Freeza, Doore, Neiz, Sauzaa and Garlic Jr. - 800.000
Against Dr. Gero, #17, Metal Coolers, #13, Brolly and Hatchiyakku - 6.000.000
After fusing with Kami and against Cell and #17 - 30.000.000
At the Cell Games and against Cell Juniors, Cell, Kibito, Babidi, Bojack, Abokado and Beerus - 50.000.000
In his first stage - 530.000
In his second stage against Piccolo - 1.000.000
In his third stage against Piccolo and Gohan - 2.500.000
In his fourth stage using 33% of his power against Vegeta - 3.300.000
In his fourth stage using 50% of his power against Goku - 5.000.000
In his fourth stage using 70% of his power against Goku - 7.000.000
In his fourth stage using 100% of his power against Goku - 10.000.000
In his mechanized form against Mirai no Trunks - 10.500.000
In his first stage after training - 215.000.000
In his fourth stage after training against Goku - 400.000.000
In his Golden Freeza Ultimate Evolution stage against Goku and Vegeta - 700.000.000
In his fourth stage against Gohan, Piccolo and Goku - 10.000.000
In his fifth stage against Goku - 12.000.000
In his Metal Cooler mechanized form - 15.000.000
In his first stage against Piccolo - 25.000.000
In his first stage against #17, Piccolo and #16 - 35.000.000
In his second stage against Vegeta, Mirai no Trunks and Gohan - 55.000.000
In his third stage against Vegeta, Mirai no Trunks, Goku and Gohan - 95.000.000
In his third stage using all of his power against Gohan - 115.000.000
In his third stage after exploding and receiving a Zenkai against Vegeta and Gohan - 215.000.000
In his fat form against Dabla, Gohan, Kaioshin, Gotenks, Goku, Kid Buu and Beerus - 350.000.000
In his skinny dark form against his fat counterpart - 360.000.000
After absorbing his fat counterpart and against Gotenks, Gohan, Goku and Vegeta - 390.000.000
With Piccolo, Trunks and Goten absorbed - 420.000.000
With the strongest of the Kaioshin absorbed - 440.000.000
In his pure Kid Buu form - 460.000.000
With Piccolo and Super Saiya-jin 3 Gotenks absorbed - 500.000.000
With Gohan, Piccolo, Trunks and Goten absorbed - 600.000.000
Chilled - 300.000
Freeza in his first form - 530.000
Freeza in his second form - 1.000.000
Freeza in his third form - 2.500.000
Freeza in his fourth form using 33% of his power - 3.300.000
Freeza in his fourth form using 50% of his power - 5.000.000
Freeza in his fourth form using 70% of his power - 7.000.000
Cooler in his fourth form - 10.000.000
Freeza in his fourth form using 100% of his power - 10.000.000
Freeza in his mechanized form - 10.500.000
King Cold - 11.000.000
Cooler in his fifth form - 12.000.000
Metal Coolers - 15.000.000
Freeza in his first form after training - 215.000.000
Freeza in his fourth form after training - 400.000.000
Freeza in his Ultimate Evolution form - 700.000.000
Strong Kaioshin - 190.000.000
Dai Kaioshin - 180.000.000
Kibitoshin - 180.000.000
Female Kaioshin - 170.000.000
Moustached Kaioshin - 160.000.000
Kaioshin - 150.000.000
Kibito - 17.000.000
Whis -
Beerus -
Strong Kaioshin - 190.000.000
Dai Kaioshin - 180.000.000
Kibitoshin - 180.000.000
Female Kaioshin - 170.000.000
Moustached Kaioshin - 160.000.000
Kaioshin - 150.000.000
Kibito - 17.000.000
Dai Kaiou-sama - 2.500
Kaiou-sama - 2.000
South Kaiou-sama - 2.000
Tall Kaiou-sama - 2.000
Female Kaiou-sama - 2.000
King Enma - 1.500
Super Saiya-jin for the first time - 12.500.000
Super Saiya-jin against #17, #18, Freeza, King Cold, #14, Brolly and Hatchiyakku - 12.800.000
Super Saiya-jin Dai Ni Dankai - 70.000.000
Super Saiya-jin Dai San Dankai - 80.000.000
Normal - 10.000.000
Super Saiya-jin 2: 215.000.000
Super Saiya-jin 3: 435.000.000
Normal: 10.000.000
Super Saiya-jin 2: 900.000.000
Dai Kaiou-sama - 2.500
Kaiou-sama - 2.000
South Kaiou-sama - 2.000
Tall Kaiou-sama - 2.000
Female Kaiou-sama - 2.000
As an adolescent - 2.000
Upon arrival on Earth - 30.000
After eating the fruit of Earth's Shinseiju - 500.000
Old - 200
Young - 260
At the 22nd Tenkaichi Budokai against Goku - 180
At the 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai against Goku - 280
Full power against Nappa - 2.500
Against Jeice, Burter, Cell, Cell Junior and Super Buu - 120.000
At the 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai against Piccolo - 206
Against Saibaimen - 1.083
Full power against Saibaimen, Nappa and Cacao - 1.420
Upon arrival on Namek - 1.500
Against Guldo, Recoome, Freeza, Cell, Cell Junior, Super Buu and Kid Buu - 16.500
Borgos - 2.500
Shugesh - 2.500
Seripa - 2.500
Toma - 3.000
Bardock - 10.000
Borgos Oozaru - 25.000
Shugesh Oozaru - 25.000
Seripa Oozaru - 25.000
Toma Oozaru - 30.000
Bardock Oozaru - 100.000
Bardock Super Saiya-jin - 12.500.000
Vegeta Oozaru - 180.000
Vegeta - 18.000
Nappa - 4.000
Raditz - 1.200
Strength enhanched against Vegeta, Krillin, Piccolo, Tenshinhan and Yamcha - 1.200
Not-strength enhanched - 800
Normal - 800
Oozaru - 8.000
Normal - 500
Transformed - 800
Transformed with power of Makyo Star - 1.000
King Vegeta - 13.000
Vegeta - 5.000
Tarble - 800
Normal - 10.000
Oozaru - 100.000
Super Saiya-jin against Chilled - 12.500.000
Non-warrior-type - 300
Non-warrior-type - 500
Muuri - 500
Warrior-type with suppressed Ki - 1.000
Warrior-type at full power - 3.000
Warrior-type at full power - 4.000
Nail - 42.000
Normal - 500
With power of Makyo Star - 700
Normal - 600
With power of Makyo Star - 800
Normal - 13.000
Oozaru - 130.000
At the 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai against Kami - 177
When performing Kamehameha against Saibaimen and Deiz - 1.420
Against Recoome, Dr. Gero, Cell Junior and Kid Buu - 15.000
Against Nappa and Lakasei - 618
Against Guldo - 15.000
In Mirai no Trunks' timeline - 20.000.000
In main timeline - 30.000.000
In Mirai no Trunks' timeline - 20.000.000
In main timeline - 30.000.000
Average member of the race - 1.000
Member of the race burnt by Commander of the race - 8.000
Commander - 15.000
Cui - 18.000
Normal - 23.000
Transformed - 33.000
Ginyu - 120.000
Jeice - 50.000
Burter - 45.000
Recoome - 40.000
Sauzaa - 50.000
Neiz - 45.000
Doore - 40.000
At birth - 10.000
Super Saiya-jin Full Power - 95.000.000
Normal - 10.000
Super Saiya-jin Full Power - 95.000.000
Turles - 500.000
Lord Slug - 550.000
Freeza - 7.000.000
Cooler - 10.000.000
Hatchiyakku - 95.000.000
Bido - 30.000.000
Bojack's henchman killed by Mirai no Trunks - 30.000.000
Bujin - 30.000.000
Bojack's henchwoman - 30.000.000
Bojack - 95.000.000
Paragas - 1.000
Bio Brolly normal - 10.000
Brolly at birth - 10.000
Bio Brolly Super Saiya-jin Full Power - 95.000.000
Brolly Super Saiya-jin Full Power - 95.000.000
Tsuru-sennin - 150
Mutaito-sama - 160
Muten Roshi - 163
#14 - 1.000.000
#15 - 1.000.000
#19 - 1.500.000
Dr. Gero - 2.000.000
#13 - 6.000.000
#18 in Mirai no Trunks' timeline - 20.000.000
#17 in Mirai no Trunks' timeline - 20.000.000
Cell - 25.000.000
Cell Juniors - 30.000.000
#18 in main timeline - 30.000.000
#17 in main timeline - 30.000.000
#16 - 35.000.000
Cell in his first form after absorbing millions of humans - 35.000.000
Cell in his second form - 55.000.000
Cell in his perfect form - 95.000.000
Cell in his perfect form using his maximum power - 115.000.000
Cell after exploding and killing Goku - 215.000.000
Pui Pui - 1.000
Yakon - 1.000
Dabla - 210.000.000
Vegeta Super Saiya-jin 2 - 280.000.000
Majin Buu - 350.000.000
Kid Buu - 460.000.000
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