DBZ Movie 1 - Ora no Gohan ou Kaese !! - Return My Gohan !! [1989]
- Main antagonist: Garlic Jr.
- Number of henchmen of main antagonist: 3 (Two killed by Gokuh, one killed by Piccolo)
- When this story would fit in the DBZ series: After Piccolo Jr. Saga, before Saiya-jin Saga
- Who defeats the antagonist: Gohan
- Technique used to defeat the antagonist: A normal expanding shockwave
- BGMs used: Saiya-jin Saga
- Appearances of Z warriors: Gokuh, Piccolo, Gohan, Krillin, Kami
DBZ Movie 2 - Kono Yo de Ichiban Tsuyoi Yatsu - The Strongest Man in This World [1990]
- Main antagonist: Dr. Wheelo
- Number of henchmen of main antagonist: 3 (Three killed by Gokuh)
- When this story would fit in the DBZ series: After Saiya-jin Saga, before Namek Saga
- Who defeats the antagonist: Gokuh
- Technique used to defeat the antagonist: Genkidama
- BGMs used: Namek Saga
- Appearances of Z warriors: Gokuh, Piccolo, Gohan, Krillin, Muten Roshi
DBZ Movie 3 - Chikyuu Marugoto Chou Kessen - Super Decisive Battle for Earth [1990]
- Main antagonist: Turles
- Number of henchmen of main antagonist: 5 (Five killed by Gokuh)
- When this story would fit in the DBZ series: After Saiya-jin Saga, before Namek Saga
- Who defeats the antagonist: Gokuh
- Technique used to defeat the antagonist: Genkidama
- BGMs used: Freeza Saga
- Appearances of Z warriors: Gokuh, Piccolo, Gohan, Tenshinhan, Krillin, Yamcha, Chaozu
DBZ Movie 4 - Suupa Saiya-jin Son Gokuu - The Super Saiya-jin Son Gokuu [1991]
- Main antagonist: Lord Slug
- Number of henchmen of main antagonist: 4 (Two killed by Gokuh, one killed by Lord Slug, one killed by Piccolo)
- When this story would fit in the DBZ series: After Freeza Saga, before Garlic Jr. Saga
- Who defeats the antagonist: Gokuh
- Technique used to defeat the antagonist: Genkidama
- BGMs used: Garlic Jr. Saga, Androids Saga
- Appearances of Z warriors: Gokuh, Piccolo, Gohan, Krillin
DBZ Movie 5 - Tobikkiri no Saikyou tai Saikyou - The Mightiest vs The Mightiest [1991]
- Main antagonist: Cooler
- Number of henchmen of main antagonist: 3 (Three killed by Piccolo)
- When this story would fit in the DBZ series: After Freeza and Garlic Jr. Sagas, before Trunks Saga
- Who defeats the antagonist: Gokuh
- Technique used to defeat the antagonist: Kamehameha
- BGMs used: Trunks Saga
- Appearances of Z warriors: Gokuh, Piccolo, Gohan, Krillin
DBZ Movie 6 - Gekitotsu !! Hyaku-Oku Pawaa no Senshi-tachi - A Million Power Warriors [1992]
- Main antagonist: Metal Cooler(s)
- Number of henchmen of main antagonist: ---------
- When this story would fit in the DBZ series: After Trunks Saga, before Androids Saga
- Who defeats the antagonist: Gokuh (and Vegeta)
- Technique used to defeat the antagonist: A normal energy ball + power overflow
- BGMs used: Perfect Cell Saga
- Appearances of Z warriors: Gokuh, Vegeta, Piccolo, Gohan, Krillin, Yajirobe, Muten Roshi
DBZ Movie 7 - Kyokugen Battaru !! San Dai Suupa Saiya-jin - Exciting Battle !! - The Three Great Super Saiya-jin [1992]
- Main antagonist: C-13
- Number of henchmen of main antagonist: 2 (One killed by Vegeta, one killed by Mirai no Trunks)
- When this story would fit in the DBZ series: After Androids Saga, before Imperfect Cell Saga
- Who defeats the antagonist: Gokuh
- Technique used to defeat the antagonist: Genkidama
- BGMs used: Cell Games Saga
- Appearances of Z warriors:
DBZ Movie 8 - Moetsukiro !! Nessen Ressen Chou-Gekisen - - Burnout !! Fierce, Violent Super-Fight !! [1993]
- Main antagonist: Brolly
- Number of henchmen of main antagonist: ----------
- When this story would fit in the DBZ series: After Perfect Cell Saga, before Cell Games Saga
- Who defeats the antagonist: Gokuh
- Technique used to defeat the antagonist: Punch delivered with energy from every warrior
- BGMs used: Babidi Saga
- Appearances of Z warriors: Gokuh, Vegeta, Piccolo, Mirai no Trunks, Gohan, Krillin, Muten Roshi
DBZ Movie 9 - Ginga Giri-Giri !! Butchigiri no Sugoi Yatsu - The Galaxy in Danger !! The Incredible Awesome Guy [1993]
- Main antagonist: Bojack
- Number of henchmen of main antagonist: 4 (Two killed by Gohan, one killed by Bojack, one killed by Mirai no Trunks)
- When this story takes place: Right after Cell Games
- Who defeats the antagonist: Gohan
- Technique used to defeat the antagonist: Kamehameha
- BGMs used: Great Sayaman Saga, World Tournament Saga
- Appearances of Z warriors: Gohan, Gokuh, Vegeta, Mirai no Trunks, Piccolo, Krillin, Tenshinhan, Yamcha
DBZ Movie 10 - Kiken na Fitaro ! Suupa Saiya-jin wa Nemurenai - Super Warriors Never Rest [1994]
- Main antagonist: Brolly
- Number of henchmen of main antagonist: ------------
- When this story would fit in the DBZ series: After Great Sayaman Saga, before World Tournament Saga
- Who defeats the antagonist: Gohan + Goten + Gokuh
- Technique used to defeat the antagonist: Kamehameha (x3)
- BGMs used: Majin Buu Saga, Fusion Saga
- Appearances of Z warriors: Gohan, Goten, Trunks, Gokuh, Videl, Krillin
DBZ Movie 11 - Suupa Senshi Gekiha !! Katsu No wa Ore Da - Clash of the Super Warriors !! I Will be the One Who Wins [1994]
Main antagonist: Brolly
Number of henchmen of main antagonist: ------------
When this story would fit in the DBZ series: After World Tournament Saga, before Babidi Saga
Who defeats the antagonist: Goten + Trunks + Krillin
Technique used to defeat the antagonist: Kamehameha (x3)
BGMs used: Fusion Saga
Appearances of Z warriors: Goten, Trunks, C-18, Krillin, Mr. Satan
DBZ Movie 12 - Fukkatsu no Fusion !! Gokuu to Bejiita - The Rebirth of Fusion !! Gokuu and Vegeta [1995]
Main antagonist: Janenba
Number of henchmen of main antagonist: --------------
When this story would fit in the DBZ series: After Majin Buu Saga, before Fusion Saga
Who defeats the antagonist: Gogeta
Technique used to defeat the antagonist: Soul Burster
BGMs used: Fusion Saga, Kid Buu Saga
Appearances of Z warriors: Gokuh, Vegeta, Gogeta, Pikkon, Gohan, Gotenks, Videl, Mr. Satan
DBZ Movie 13 - Ryu-Ken Bakuhatsu !! Gokuu ga Yareneba Dare ga Yaru ?! - Dragon-Fist Explosion !! If Gokuh Doesn't Do It, Who Will? [1995]
Main antagonist: Hildegarn
Number of henchmen of main antagonist: 1 (Killed by Hildegarn)
When this story takes place: Right after Kid Buu Saga
Who defeats the antagonist: Gokuh
Technique used to defeat the antagonist: Ryu Ken
BGMs used: Tapion special themes
Appearances of Z warriors: Gokuh, Gohan, Vegeta, Gotenks, Trunks, Goten, Videl
DBZ Special 1 - Tatta Hitori no Saishuu Kessen - Furiza ni Idonda Zetto Senshi Son Gokuu no Chichi - Alone On a Final Clash - The Z Warrior Son Gokuh's Father [1990]
Main antagonist: Freeza
When this story happens: About 10 years before beginning of DB
Main hero protagonist: Bardock
BGMs used: Ginyu Saga, Freeza Saga
Appearances of Z warriors: Gokuh
DBZ Special 2 - Zetsubou e no Hankou !! Nokosareta Chou-Senshi Gohan to Trunks - Desperation !! The Only Two Remaining Super-Warriors Gohan and Trunks [1993]
Main antagonist: C-17 + C-18
When this story happens: 17 years after Androids Saga, in alternate timeline
Main hero protagonist: Mirai no Trunks + Mirai no Gohan
BGMs used: Freeza Saga, Androids Saga, Imperfect Cell Saga
Appearances of Z warriors: Gohan, Trunks, Vegeta, Piccolo, Krillin, Tenshinhan, Yamcha, Chaozu, Yajirobe, Muten Roshi
DBZ OVA - Doragon Boru Zetto Gaiden - Suupa Saiya-jin/Saiya-jin Zetsumetsu Keikaku - Dragonball Z Gaiden - The Plan to Eradicate the Super Saiya-jin/Saiya-jin [1993/2010]
Main antagonist: Hatchiyakku
Number of henchmen of main antagonist: 4 (One killed by Vegeta/Mirai no Trunks, one killed by Gokuh, one killed by Piccolo, one killed by Gohan)
When this story would fit in the DBZ series: After Perfect Cell Saga, before Cell Games Saga
Who defeats the antagonist: Gokuh + Vegeta + Mirai no Trunks + Piccolo + Gohan
Technique used to defeat the antagonist: Kamehameha + Final Flash + Burning Attack + Makankosappo + Masenko
BGMs used: Gaiden Game Music/New Toei Music
Appearances of Z warriors: Gokuh, Vegeta, Mirai no Trunks, Piccolo, Gohan
DBZ Special 3 - Doragon Boru Ossu ! Kaette Kita Son Gokuu to Nakama-tachi !! - Yo ! Son Gokuh and His Friends Return !! [2008]
Main antagonist: Abo + Kado + Abokado
When this story happens: 2 years after Kid Buu Saga
Main hero protagonist: Gokuh + Vegeta + Goten + Trunks
BGMs used: Saiya-jin Saga, Ginyu Saga, Freeza Saga, Androids Saga, Majin Buu Saga
Appearances of Z warriors: Gokuh, Vegeta, Trunks, Goten, Gotenks, Piccolo, Krillin, C-18, Yamcha, Muten Roshi
DBZ Special 4 - Episodu no Baadakku - Episode of Bardock [2011]
Main antagonist: Chilled
When this story would fit in the DBZ series: About 10 years before beginning of DB/About 10.000 years before beginning of DB
Main hero protagonist: Bardock
BGMs used: New Toei Music
Appearances of Z warriors: -------------
DBZ Special 5 - Doragon Boru Zetto - Kami to Kami - God and God - Battle of Gods [2013]
Main antagonist: Bills
When this story happens: 2 years after Tarble/Abokado Special 3, 4 years after Kid Buu Saga, 4 years after Hildegarn Movie 13
Main hero protagonist: Gokuh
BGMs used: New Toei Music
Appearances of Z warriors: Gokuh, Vegeta, Gohan, Piccolo, Goten, Trunks, C-18, Tenshinhan, Krillin, Yamcha, Majin Buu, Muten Roshi, Videl
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