Gallic Gun (Purple wave of energy shot from both hands after gathering energy) - Vegeta, Cell
Dodon Pa (Yellow beam shot from index finger) - Tenshinhan, Tao Pai Pai, Chaozu, Tsuru-sennin
Mafuuba (Spiraling green wave of wind, light and energy trapping the target) - Mutaito-sama, Muten Roshi, Tenshinhan, Kami, Piccolo
Gekiretsukodan (Yellow beam of energy launched after gathering energy between both hands by the chest, with the blast widening as it progresses after being shot) - Piccolo
Final Flash (Yellow/white wave of destructive energy shot from both hands put forth, after collecting energy with arms wide open and then with both hands together facing the target) - Vegeta
Big Bang Attack (White/blue/yellow ball of energy shot from the palm of the hand) - Vegeta, Vegetto
Big Bang Kamehameha (Blue blast shot from both hands facing the target) - Gogeta
Souki Dan (Controllable sphere of yellow energy shot after gathering energy from one hand with the other holding the former's arm) - Yamcha
Rouga Fufu Ken (Series of martial arts punches and kicks delivered with the aggressiveness, ferocity and precision of a wolf) - Yamcha, Gotenks
Kienzan (Yellow/blue disc of energy that can cut almost any substance) - Krillin, Gokuh, Vegeta, C-18, Freeza, Cell, Cell Juniors
Tsuibi Kienzan (Controllable red disc of energy that can cut almost any substance) - Freeza, Cell
Daichiretsuzan (Slicing destructive wave of purple energy shot from index and pointing fingers) - Freeza, Chilled
Makosen (Yellow/purple/white blast shot from the hand) - Piccolo Daimao
Masenko (Yellow/purple blast shot from both hands, one behind the other, after gathering energy on top of one's head with the same hand position) - Gohan, Mirai no Trunks, Majin Buu
Burning Attack (Yellow/blue ball of energy shot from the palms of both hands after a serious of fast hand movements) - Mirai no Trunks
Hell's Flash (Yellow blasts fired from C-16's mechanical arms) - C-16
Final Shine (Green wave of energy shot from one hand after gathering energy with the hand down, with the wave widening in range as it progresses) - Vegeta
Choubakuretsumaha (Explosive white dome of destructive energy fired from the user's body, after collecting energy with both arms around each other, with the user at the epicenter of the dome after the energy is released)- Piccolo
Bakurikimaha (Yellow/purple/white blast shot from one hand with the other hand placed on the former's arm) - Piccolo Daimao, Piccolo
Ryu Ken (Explosion of destructive yellow light that surrounds the target, shot from one arm) - Gokuh
Shishin no Ken (Ability to divide oneself between 3 or 4 independently thinking and acting duplicates) - Tenshinhan, Piccolo, Krillin, Cell, Abo, Kado
Shunkan Idou (Ability to teleport instantaneously to a spot anywhere where a certain being's Ki is felt) - Gokuh, Cell, Majin Buu
Chonoryoku (ability to manipulate objects and bodies without touching them) - Chaozu, Freeza, Gokuh, Piccolo, Cell, General Blue, Vegeta, Trunks, Piccolo Daimao
Fusion (Dance performed to merge with another fighter of same size and strenght) - Gokuh, Vegeta, Goten, Trunks, Piccolo, Krillin
Yuugou (Namekian ability to merge with or absorb another Namek) - Piccolo, Kami, Nail, Abo, Kado
Chou Kamehameha (The same as the Kamehameha, but with more power put into it, and bigger in the wave's size) - Gokuh
Ashi De Kamehameha (A Kamehameha shot from one's feet instead of the hands) - Gokuh
Renzokou Shine Shine Missile (A continuous attack with small energy blasts) - Gotenks
KaioKen (Ability to maximize one's energy, power, speed, senses and resistence beyond one's natural limits, to various degrees/multiplications, with the user becoming engulfed in a usually red and sometimes white aura) - Gokuh, Kaiou-sama, Piccolo
Nobiru Ude (Ability to extend limbs) - Piccolo, Lord Slug, Freeza, Chilled
Nobiru (Namek ability to grow to enormous sizes) - Piccolo, Lord Slug
Saisei (Ability to regenerate parts of the body totally or partially lost) - Piccolo, Nail, Cell, Lord Slug, Freeza, Garlic Jr.
Naoru (Ability to heal other's injuries completely) - Dende, Kibito, Majin Buu
Taiyoken (Ability to take a big source of light and energy, like the Sun, and magnify its impact on a certain region of space by using an energy attack)-
Dead Zone (Garlic Jr.'s ability to create an alternate spacial dimension which, when opened, sucks matter into it) - Garlic Jr.
Pawaa Boru (White ball of energy shot to the sky by one's hand and made to burst there, mixing with the atmosphere's oxygen) - Vegeta, Turles
Death Ball (Big yellow/orange ball of energy aimed to penetrate a planet's crust and make it explode after a few seconds of impact) - Freeza, Cooler
SS Death Bomb (Red ball of energy sorrounded by a red aura) - C-13
Shunkan Idou + Kamehameha (Gokuh's ingenious move, combining the concentration of energy for a Kamehameha, teleporting to right in front of the enemy, and releasing the Kamehameha at close range) - Gokuh
Jiubun Bakuhatsu (Using one's full power in a final, suicidal explosion) - Chaozu, Majin Buu, Saibaimen, Gokuh, Vegeta, C-16, Cell
Oozaru (A Saiya-jin's ability to turn into a great ape of enormous size, multiplying their current strength tenfold, after their eyes are exposed to 17.000.000 worth of Blutz waves, which triggers a reaction in their tales and starts the transformation) - Gokuh, Gohan, Vegeta, Bardock, Toma, Fasha, Shugesh, Borgos, Nappa, Turles, Brolly, Paragas, Raditz, King Vegeta, Trunks, Mirai no Trunks, Goten, Goku Jr., Vegeta Jr., and any Saiya-jin
Barrier (Ability to use energy as an invisible, white, purple, blue or green protective field) - Brolly, Gokuh, Freeza, Cell, C-17, Gohan, Dai Kaioshin, Majin Buu, Bojack, Vegeta, Piccolo, Babidi
Continuous small energy blasts - Vegeta, Majin Buu, Cell, Gokuh, Brolly, Freeza, Dodoria, Cui, Zarbon, Guldo, Burter, Jeice, Ginyu, Dabla, Mirai no Trunks, Trunks, C-17, C-18, Gohan, Tenshinhan, Piccolo, Sauzaa, Neiz, Doore, Turles, Cooler
Huge balls to destroy planets - Freeza, Majin Buu, Chilled, Bills
Eye beams (White, red, blue, yellow or pink) - Piccolo, Piccolo Daimao, Lord Slug, Freeza, Cell, Cooler, Nappa, C-19, C-20, C-16
Death Beam (Piercing red blast shot from tip of finger) - Freeza, Cell, Cooler, Majin Buu
Bakuhatsuha (Explosion of energy triggered by middle and index fingers explosion, either delivered as a widening destructive force or directly to a specific target) - Nappa, Vegeta, Amond
Dragon Balls (Namek ability to create or revive wish-granting Dragons/Dragon Balls) - Saichiorou-sama, Dende, Muuri, Kami
Mouth blasts (Yellow, white, green, pink or red) - Piccolo, Nappa, Piccolo Daimao, Janenba, Dodoria, Majin Buu, any Oozaru, Vegeta, Gohan, Tambourine
Liquifying to destroy enemy from inside (Majin Buu's ability to liquify his body to enter the enemy's body through the mouth and make them explode from the inside) - Majin Buu
Immobilization (Ability to immobilize an opponent, touching them or at a distance) - Kaioshin, Freeza, Chaozu, Piccolo Daimao, General Blue, Muten Roshi
Transforming objects (Ability to transform matter and the shape of objects) - Bills, Majin Buu, Janenba
Conjuring objects (Creating objects out of nothing) - Dabla, Piccolo, Piccolo Daimao, Garlic Jr., Kami, Kaiou-sama, Kaioshin, Kibito
Possessing evil people (Ability to control the mind and body of people with evil in their hearts, enslaving them and producing physical changes in them) - Babidi, Bibidi
Surviving in the vacuum of space (Ability to keep being alive without breathing oxygen or any other gas) - Freeza, King Cold, Cooler, Chilled, Cell, Majin Buu
Blowing enemies using the evil in their hearts (A purple spiraling beam of energy which, when hitting the target, makes them explode if they have any amount of evil in their hearts) - Akkuman
Slicing blasts (Blue, white or invisible slices of energy used to cut through almost any substance, with a long width, shot from one's hand or through a sword) - Dabla, Janenba
Creating and shooting fire (Ability to generate fire and to shoot it in a certain direction) - Vegeta, Dende, Gokuh, Dabla, Hildegarn
Invisibile thunder-like punches and kicks (Incredibly powerful blows delivered so rapidly and so strongly that they sound like thunder) - Gogeta, Vegitto
Multiple small exploding beams shot from tips of each finger in one hand (Blue) - Vegitto
Multiple slicing and exploding rays of Ki extending from one line (White) - Janenba
Slicing Ki (Sauzaa's ability to use purple energy as a continuous cutting weapon in his hand) - Sauzaa
Ki shots from each finger in one hand (Blue) - Sauzaa
Opening portals (Ability to open portals to another dimension by combining an energy attack with a extremely high-pitched scream) - Majin Buu, Gotenks, Piccolo
Taketsu-ken (A wave of very fast icy winds shot from right hand) - Ebifurya
Electricity (Usage of electricity to electrocute the enemy) - Dr. Wheelo's henchman, Cymbal, Piccolo
Entrapment (Ability to entrap someone in a sphere of energy from which it is almost impossible to escape and even move in) - Freeza
Kyushuu (Ability to absorb and integrate others' entities and/or power) - Cell, Majin Buu, C-13, C-19, C-20, Super 17
Wind (Ability to generate strong wind currents, sometimes with slices of energy along, by swooping one's hand or hands or with the mouth) - Piccolo Daimao, Piccolo, Gokuh, Freeza, Gohan, Vegeta, Muten Roshi, Kami, Vegetto)
Frying attack (A purple beam of electricity that fries the target after a certain period of time) - Neiz, Piccolo
Creating weapons from own body (Ability to transform parts of one's body into cutting or stabin weapons) - Garlic Jr.'s 3 henchmen in Movie 1
Henshin (Ability to transform from one state to another) - Freeza, Cooler, Cell, Majin Buu, Garlic Jr., Zarbon, Hildegarn, Janenba, C-13
Gokuh - Kamehameha, Chou Kamehameha, Ashi De Kamehameha, Taiyouken, Kienzan, Ryu Ken, Genkidama, Shunkan Idou, Kaioken, Chonoryoku, Jan Ken Po, Barrier, Zanzouken, Bukujutsu, Oozaru, Fusion, Super Saiya-jin, Super Saiya-jin Dai Ni Dankai, Super Saiya-jin Dai San Dankai, Super Saiya-jin Full Power, Super Saiya-jin 2, Super Saiya-jin 3
Vegeta - Final Flash, Big Bang Attack, Gallic Gun, Final Shine, Pawaa Boru, Kienzan, Barrier, Oozaru, Fusion, Super Saiya-jin, Super Saiya-jin Dai Ni Dankai, Super Saiya-jin Dai San Dankai, Super Saiya-jin 2
Gohan - Masenko, Kamehameha, Barrier, Oozaru, Super Saiya-jin, Super Saiya-jin 2
Piccolo - Makankosappo, Gekiretsukodan, Bakurikimaha, Saisei, Nobiru Ude, Choubakuretsumaha, Yuugou, Nobiru, Chonoryoku, Fusion, Shishin no Ken, conjuring objects
Tenshinhan - Kikoho, Taiyouken, Dodon Pa, Kamehameha, Shishin no Ken, Mafuuba, Bukujutsu
Yamcha - Souki Dan, Rouga Fufu Ken, Dodon Pa, Kamehameha, Bukujutsu
Krillin - Kienzan, Kamehameha, Taiyouken, Shishin no Ken, Fusion, Bukujutsu
Freeza - Death Ball, Daichiretsuzan, Chonoryoku, Henshin, Saisei, Barrier
Cell - Kamehameha, Makankosappo, Gallic Gun, Kikoho, Shishin no Ken, Taiyouken, Kienzan, Tsuibi Kienzan, Henshin, Saisei, Shunkan Idou, Chonoryoku, Kyushuu, Cell Juniors, Barrier
Cell Juniors - Kamehameha, Makankosappo, Kikoho, Kienzan
Majin Buu - Kamehameha, Makankosappo, Naoru, Henshin, Saisei, Shunkan Idou, Kyushuu, Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack, transforming objects
Piccolo Daimao - Bakurikimaha, Makosen, Chonoryoku, conjuring objects
Kami - Yuugou, Dragon Balls, conjuring objects, Chonoryoku
Kaiou-sama - KaioKen, Genkidama, conjuring objects, Chonoryoku
Janenba - Transforming objects, opening portals
Nail - Yuugou, Saisei, Nobiru Ude
Lord Slug - Saisei, Nobiru Ude
Cooler - Death Ball
Gogeta - Soul Destroyer, Big Bang Kamehameha, Super Saiya-jin, Super Saiya-jin 2
Vegitto - Big Bang Kamehameha, Ki no Tsurugi, Super Saiya-jin, Super Saiya-jin 2
Dabla - Honoo no Tama, Honoo, conjuring objects
Chaozu - Dodon Pa, Chonoryoku
Muten Roshi - Kamehameha, Mafuuba, Zanzouken
Tao Pai Pai - Dodon Pa, Suupa Dodon Pa
General Blue - Chonoryoku
Recoome - Recoome Eraser Gun, Recoome Elbow, Recoome Ultra Attack
Jeice - Crusher Ball, Purple Comet Zetto Crash
Burter - Purple Comet Zetto Crash
Ginyu - Body Chenji, Chonoryoku
Guldo - Chonoryoku
Son Gohan - Kamehameha
Garlic Jr. - Dead Zone, conjuring objects
Abokado - Wahaha no Ha, Suupa Wahaha no Ha
Gotenks - Dynamite Rolling Thunder Punch, Megaton Punch, Volleyball Attack, Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack, Super Saiya-jin, Super Saiya-jin 2, Super Saiya-jin 3
Goten - Kamehameha, Fusion, Super Saiya-jin
Trunks - Kamehameha, Fusion, Super Saiya-jin
Mirai no Trunks - Burning Attack, Masenko, Super Saiya-jin, Super Saiya-jin Dai Ni Dankai, Super Saiya-jin Dai San Dankai
C-16 - Hell's Flash
Pikkon - Thunder Flash
Raditz - Oozaru, double Ki blast
Kaioshin - Immobilization, conjuring objects
Kibito - Naoru, Kai Kai, conjuring objects
Dende - Naoru, Dragon Balls, conjuring fire, Bukujutsu
Bardock - Oozaru, Super Saiya-jin
Zarbon - Henshin
Brolly - Super Saiya-jin Full Power, Barrier
Mutaito-sama - Mafuuba
C-17 - Yuugou, Barrier
C-20 - Kyushuu
C-19 - Kyushuu
Ebifurya - Taketsu-ken
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